If you have been looking to cut back on expenses, you may be thinking about cancelling some unnecessary services and subscriptions. Should dental insurance be among them? At first glance, it might seem like it should. Before you move forward with getting rid of your policy, though, you should consider its value. It could actually have some big benefits for your family’s finances! Why is dental insurance worth the money? This blog post explains.
Preventive Care Is Covered
It is common for dental insurance to cover two preventive appointments each year at no additional cost to the patient. That means for nothing out of pocket, you could enjoy a refreshing cleaning and a thorough exam. The value of those services alone is often equal to or greater than the amount of money that the average person spends on dental insurance every year.
You Can Prevent Expensive Procedures
If you commit to visiting your dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup, you give them the opportunity to diagnose most oral health problems while they are still fairly new. If you end up needing restorative treatment, it is likely to be quite minor. Most dental insurance covers 80% of the cost of minor restorative care, so a $200 treatment could cost as little as $40 out of pocket!
Conversely, if you neglect dental appointments and end up with a major oral health issue, you could need extensive — and very expensive — treatment. For example, you might require root canal therapy and a crown, which could run well over a thousand dollars.
You Can Protect Your Overall Health
Did you know that your oral health is strongly connected to your overall health? Gum disease is associated with a heightened risk of heart disease, dementia, and other serious conditions. If you do your best to care for your mouth, you may lower your chances of getting those illnesses. You could therefore save on overall medical expenses.
You Can Find a Dentist Easily
If you suffer a dental emergency while you are far from home, you might have concerns about finding a reliable dentist who will not charge exorbitant prices. Fortunately, most dental insurance companies make it easy to locate in-network practices. You can quickly get on your way to regaining a healthy smile!
It might seem like dental insurance is an unnecessary use of funds. The truth is, though, that it can help you save money! For most patients, it is more than worth the cost of their monthly premium.
Meet the Practice
New Haven Dental Group is home to a talented and compassionate team of oral health experts. We happily accept more than 200 dental insurance policies, including those from popular companies like MetLife, Cigna, and more. To find out how we can help you maximize your benefits and enjoy a sound smile, contact our Branford office at 203-439-6895.