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Avoid These Foods After Dental Implant Surgery

July 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 6:30 pm
Woman in pink sweater making “no thanks” gesture

Dental implants are a sturdy and strong tooth replacement option that can restore your ability to eat almost any food, including raw veggies, savory steaks, and more. Before that time comes, though, you will need to undergo surgery to receive your implants. While you are recovering, it is important that you modify your diet so your mouth can heal properly. What foods should you avoid after dental implant surgery? This blog post lists some examples.

Hot and Spicy Foods

Spicy and hot foods can irritate the tender soft tissues in your mouth and slow down your recovery. They might even increase your risk of developing an infection. Try to stick to warm or room temperature foods and avoid any dishes that have a lot of spices in them.


Under normal circumstances, it is perfectly fine to enjoy a glass of wine, a cocktail, or an ice-cold beer. However, it is unwise to consume alcohol while you are recovering from dental implant surgery. Alcohol can slow down your body’s ability to heal. It could also interact with your pain medications and cause dangerous complications.

Sticky or Chewy Foods

Your jaw may be somewhat sore and tender after oral surgery. Exerting a lot of energy to chew sticky or tough foods might increase your discomfort. Plus, if you do not have any remaining natural teeth, it might even be impossible for you to eat such items. Therefore, it is best to avoid things like pizza crust, sticky candies, and tough meats.

Crunchy Foods

Crunchy foods, such as nuts, chips, and crackers, can break down into hard pieces with jagged edges. You could easily end up damaging your surgical sites and heightening your risk of an infection.

How Long Will the Food Restrictions Last?

Every patient is unique, so recovery times can vary. Your dental team will give you some instructions that are personalized to you. In general, though, most patients need to stick to a “no chew” diet for around one week after their surgery. During that period, soft foods like applesauce, pudding, and brothy soups are the only things you should consume. As you feel up to it, you can gradually start to incorporate fork-tender foods, like soft bread and meatloaf.

Dietary adjustments can play an important role in protecting your mouth and facilitating your recovery after dental implant surgery. Be patient, and you should be back to enjoying all of your favorite treats in what seems like no time at all!

Meet the Practice

New Haven Dental Group proudly provides comprehensive oral health services to our community, including start-to-finish dental implant treatment. If you have questions about what to expect during your tooth replacement journey or how you can enjoy a smooth recovery after dental implant surgery, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact our Branford office at 203-439-6895.

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