Our Offices

Handling Orthodontic Problems at Home

April 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 11:23 pm
hand holding pair of black tweezers against white background

Due to restrictions related to COVID-19, many dental and orthodontic offices have modified their operating protocols. Most are only offering urgent and emergency care at this time, and they are encouraging patients to do their best to care for non-critical issues at home until things get back to normal. So, then, what should you do if you encounter a problem with your dental braces during the quarantine? In this article, we provide some practical guidance for coping with various common issues.


Maintaining Your Dental Hygiene through the Quarantine

March 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 7:46 pm
woman using floss to maintain dental hygiene through quarantine

Due to concerns over Covid-19, the American Dental Association has recommended that dental practices only provide urgent and emergency care at this time. Therefore, many patients will need to wait to receive necessary treatment. Are you among them? If you are, applying the following tips on maintaining your dental hygiene through the quarantine can help you to prevent new oral health problems and stop current ones from rapidly worsening.


American Heart Month: The Gum-Heart Connection

February 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 5:37 pm
dental patient and dentist using hands to make heart shape

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among adults in the United States. It claims roughly 610,000 lives each year! Because February is American Heart Month, you might be taking advantage of the occasion to contemplate how you can adjust your lifestyle to take better care of your heart. For example, you may have a plan in mind to eat more heart-friendly foods or exercise more often. You should also consider how you take care of your gums. In this post, we discuss how fighting gum disease in Branford can play a pivotal role in protecting your heart.


Sedation Dentistry Options: Oral Sedation vs Nitrous Oxide

January 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 10:32 pm
nitrous oxide sedation

Does going to the dentist make you nervous, or do you have a physical condition that makes it difficult for you to sit still during dental treatments? You might be thinking about taking advantage of sedation at your next appointment. Still, you may wonder which type of sedation is right for you. In this blog post, we compare two popular options. We will discuss oral sedation vs nitrous oxide sedation. Once you know more about each choice, you will be in a better position to pick the one that best fits your circumstances.


How Long Should You Use Ice After Having Oral Surgery?

December 4, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 10:31 pm

If you want to successfully heal from oral surgery, it is important that you follow your doctor’s orders. That means, every detail, no matter how small, should be taken into consideration if you want to ensure that your progress moves along swiftly and without any problems. Once you enter the recovery phase, you will naturally have many questions, including “How long should you use ice after oral surgery?” Fortunately, your oral surgeon will be happy to answer this as well as any additional questions you have so that you can heal quickly and effectively.


Comparing Dental Crowns and Porcelain Veneers

September 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 2:45 pm
smiling patient and shade-matching guide

Porcelain veneers and dental crowns are two common dental treatments, and there are some similarities between them. For example, either procedure can improve the way teeth look, and both types of prosthetics are custom-made to work with a patient’s unique dental structures. However, there are also some big differences between crowns and veneers. In this blog post, we will touch on some of those differences so you can gain insight into which treatment may be a better fit for your situation.

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