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Root Canal Therapy – Branford, CT

Save a Suffering Tooth and Relieve Your Pain

Model of the inside of the tooth

When a tooth develops an infection in its innermost layer, the dental pulp, a serious, debilitating toothache can result. There is even the risk that the infection will spread into the surrounding tissue. In the past, teeth with this kind of damage would simply be extracted. However, using root canal therapy in Branford, the team at New Haven Dental Group may be able to save even severely damaged teeth and help them regain full function. Thanks to our modern techniques and technology, this procedure is one of the most effective ways to relieve dental pain.

Why Choose New Haven Dental Group for Root Canal Therapy?

Do I Need Root Canal Therapy?

Woman in dental chair smiling

Here are some signs that you might benefit from root canal therapy:

Also, keep in mind that in some cases, root canal therapy may be necessary even when a patient is not in pain. It is wise to listen to treatment recommendations from your dentist in Branford.

The Root Canal Process

Patient smiling during appointment for root canal therapy

If you need a root canal, our team will start your procedure by numbing your tooth. If you have sensitive oral tissues or are struggling with some anxiety about the procedure, we may also administer sedation. Next, we will access the tooth’s innermost chamber and remove all of the infected tissue. Then, we will fill in the tooth with a material called gutta-percha. We may also protect the treated tooth with a temporary dental crown, which should be replaced later on with a permanent restoration. Many patients say the procedure feels like getting a small filling, and after you heal, you should once again be able to enjoy pain-free dental function.

The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal

Happy woman smiling after successful root canal therapy

Here are some noteworthy benefits that you may experience as a result of root canal therapy:

Understanding the Cost of Root Canals

Calculator, tooth, and piggy bank against blue background

The cost of a root canal depends on several factors. During your consultation, we will be able to provide a custom price estimate. Although this procedure might seem a little pricey at first, you can be confident that it is an excellent value. Plus, insurance, financing, and other useful provisions may be able to help you easily fit your treatment into your budget.

Factors That Can Affect Root Canal Cost

Dentist and patient discussing treatment

A few factors that might affect root canal cost for patients in Branford include:

  • The type and location of the tooth. Generally speaking, molars cost more to treat because they have more complex anatomy than teeth toward the front of the mouth.
  • The overall complexity of the case. We can perform most root canals right here in our office. Sometimes, though, we must refer patients to a specialist with a pricing structure that is different from our own.
  • Additional services. You are likely to need a crown following your root canal, which can add to the overall cost of your care.

Is It Cheaper to Pull My Tooth?

Tooth gripped in forceps after extraction

Upfront, a tooth extraction costs less than root canal therapy. However, we advise our patients to consider the long-term financial implications of any treatment they choose. If you get a tooth extracted, you should get it replaced as soon as possible. Otherwise, you might suffer from complications, such as bone loss in your jaw, dental drift, and further tooth loss. Replacing a tooth with a dental implant can be quite costly.

Root canal therapy, on the other hand, is often a “one and done” treatment that provides a lifetime of benefits. It is an excellent value that is usually more affordable in the long run than an extraction.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Root Canals?

Dental insurance written on notepad

In most cases, yes, dental insurance covers root canal therapy. It may be classed as either a minor or major procedure, meaning that anywhere from 40% to 80% of its total price might be covered. Your plan is also likely to cover the crown that you may receive following your root canal. Our team accepts many forms of dental insurance, and we will be happy to help you navigate your coverage.

Other Options for Making Root Canal Therapy Affordable

Patient handing over card to pay for treatment

As an emergency dentist, we understand that many patients are concerned about paying for their care. That is why, in addition to assisting you with insurance, we offer a couple of valuable provisions:

  • Essential Dental Plan. This discount plan provides reduced prices on virtually all of the services we offer. Signing up is easy and quick, and you can start using your benefits right away.
  • We are partnered with CareCredit, a third-party lender that offers low-interest payment plans for dental services. We will be happy to guide you through the application process.

Do not let concerns about cost hold you back from getting necessary treatment. To learn more about root canal therapy and its price, reach out to our friendly, helpful team.

Root Canal FAQs

Tooth model showing root canals

If you ever need a root canal, you can rely on our Branford dental team to provide gentle, high-quality treatment. Before you schedule an appointment, though, you might be curious to learn more about this procedure and what to expect from it. To assist you, we have compiled the following list of FAQs. If you do not see the information you were hoping for, call us directly so we can personally educate you about this tooth-saving service.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Root Canal?

Patients tend to heal at different rates. Generally speaking, though, most are able to return to work or school the day after their appointment. If your job requires a lot of physical activity, you may need to take a bit of extra time off because exercise can divert blood from the treatment site and slow down your body’s healing process.

It may be several days before any discomfort is completely gone. In the meantime, you should eat soft foods, take over-the-counter painkillers if necessary, and strive to get adequate rest. If you run into any questions or concerns during your recovery, call your dentist right away.

What Should I Do Before a Root Canal?

Here are a few practical steps you can take prior to your root canal treatment:

  • Eat a filling, nutritious meal. You may not feel like eating for a few hours after your appointment, so it is smart to fill up beforehand.
  • Take a pain reliever. Taking a pain reliever before your procedure can mitigate any discomfort you may feel as the local anesthesia wears off following your appointment.
  • Get enough rest. A solid night of sleep prior to your treatment can reduce anxiety and prep your immune system to help you heal as efficiently as possible.
  • Arrange for a ride. If you will be sedated during your procedure, you should have a responsible adult ready to drive you home.

How Long Do Root Canals Last?

Many patients who undergo root canal therapy enjoy a lifetime of function from their treated tooth. The crown on the tooth may need to be replaced every 10 – 15 years or so. (In many cases, crowns last even longer than that — it depends largely on how they are cared for.) Our team will give you instructions on how to look after your tooth so it remains healthy for as long as possible.

In rare cases, root canal retreatment may be necessary after the initial procedure. This can occur due to a new infection or if the original root canal did not successfully remove all the infected tissue from within a tooth.

What Happens If You Wait Too Long for a Root Canal?

One unique feature of teeth is that unlike other tissues in the human body, they cannot heal themselves. Therefore, without a timely root canal, the damage to your tooth is likely to continue worsening. Eventually, the situation may become so bad that you need to get the tooth extracted altogether.

There is also the possibility that an infection in the tooth could spread throughout your body, leading to systemic illness. In rare cases, untreated dental problems have proven to be fatal.

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Contact Us
(203) 488-0091 195 Montowese St.
Branford, CT
Office Hours

8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
*Every Other Thursday