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Teeth Whitening – Branford, CT

Achieve a Radiant Smile

Woman using her fingers to frame her bright, beautiful smile

Due to genetics, the overconsumption of certain foods and beverages, or other factors, teeth can develop a yellow, lackluster appearance over time. If you are struggling with dental discoloration, visit our Branford dental team to learn more about your treatment options. We might recommend that you undergo one of our professional whitening services. These treatments have the potential to help you achieve a truly radiant smile in a short amount of time.

Why Choose New Haven Dental Group for Teeth Whitening?

Who Is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Dental shade guide next to main’s teeth

Teeth often become discolored due to the consumption of things like coffee, tea, and red wine. Genetics, certain medications, smoking, and other factors can also contribute to staining. Whether your stains are intrinsic (in the enamel) or extrinsic (on the surface of the enamel), professional whitening may be able to help you achieve a new glow and fresh confidence. During your cosmetic consultation, our team will help you understand your options for brightening your smile.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Woman’s smile before and after teeth whitening treatment

Teeth whitening formulas use a form of peroxide or another whitening agent to penetrate the tooth enamel and break up unwanted pigment molecules. There are many different bleaching products on the market, but in our practice, we prefer to use the popular and highly rated Zoom! system. When you visit us for whitening, we will customize your treatment to suit your needs and preferences. For example, we will determine whether a take-home or in-office treatment is the best fit for you.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Whitening trays and whitening solution against plain background

Take home whitening kits use custom dental trays that you fill with a powerful whitening formula. You simply have to use the kit as instructed, and you should start to notice a difference in your teeth within a few days. Often, final results take about two weeks to achieve.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Dental patient admiring her teeth in the mirror

If you want to brighten your smile as quickly as possible — for example, if you have an important event in the near future — we may recommend an in-office Zoom! whitening treatment. We simply apply a bleaching gel and activate it with a special light. In as little as one hour, your teeth may become up to eight shades brighter!

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Young woman brushing her teeth in front of mirror

Your teeth will still be able to incur new stains after your whitening treatment. To protect your results, you should:

Teeth Whitening FAQs

If you are bothered by dental stains and want to brighten up your smile, our Branford team is eager to assist you. Before you visit us, though, you might want to know more about this service and what you should expect from it. Below, you will find answers to some common questions. If your specific questions are not covered here, give us a call — we would love to speak with you!

Does Teeth Whitening Hurt?

We do everything we can to make treatments as comfortable as possible for our patients. However, the nature of teeth whitening can cause some discomfort. The bleaching formulas we use open the tiny pores in tooth enamel, which can make it easier for outside stimuli to irritate the nerves inside the teeth. Therefore, a temporary increase in sensitivity is common with whitening treatments.

If you are already prone to sensitivity, let us know so we can customize your treatment accordingly. We will also give you tips to reduce discomfort while you are waiting for the increased posttreatment sensitivity to fade.

What Is the Difference Between Professional and Store-Bought Teeth Whitening?

There are some key differences between professional and store-bought teeth whitening options:

  • Professional formulas tend to be more powerful and more effective.
  • Professional treatment is customizable for patients with sensitive teeth or stubborn types of discoloration.
  • The custom trays used for at-home professional whitening can protect your sensitive soft tissues from being exposed to the whitening formula.
  • Dentists always use whitening methods that have a track record of safety and consistently.

Store-bought whitening can be moderately effective, but it is not always the safest or best option.

How Can I Make My Teeth Whitening Results Last?

Here are some tips to reduce the occurrence of new stains after your teeth whitening treatment:

  • Stick to a good oral hygiene routine. You should brush twice a day, floss daily, and regularly use mouthwash.
  • Attend regular dental checkups and cleanings. A professional cleaning can remove some surface stains.
  • Drink dark beverages through a straw. This reduces the amount of contact that the liquid has with your teeth.
  • Limit your consumption of dark foods. Things like berries, barbecue sauce, and red wine can all lead to stains.
  • Avoid bad habits. You should not smoke or engage in other activities that are damaging for oral health.

Am I a Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

If your oral health is sound and you wish to brighten your smile, it is likely that you are a good candidate for teeth whitening. If you have untreated cavities or gum disease, they should be addressed before you move forward with any cosmetic services.

Also, keep in mind that whitening is not effective for veneers, crowns, or other types of restorations. If you have restorations toward the front of your mouth, they might need to be replaced in order for you to achieve a uniformly bright smile.

Contact Us
(203) 488-0091 195 Montowese St.
Branford, CT
Office Hours

8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
*Every Other Thursday